Monday, October 6, 2008

Minneapolis weekend

We had another fabulous adventure this past weekend...we went to Minneapolis to visit our friends Trent, Sue, Brayden & Adam...It was Trent's birthday...I won't mention the number because I might have a target on my back if I did....!!! But we had a fun fun fun time....minus the throwup and sickness that occured while we were there...Poor Ashley Jo got sick on the ride up there and then acted completely fine...then she got sick again on Sunday while we were at the Mall of America...of course it was ALL OVER ME!!! Loads of fun there:) but she didn't act sick, so that is the weird thing, no fever, and a very good attitude...strange...I called the dr today and they said something is going around like this and it should be getting far she was good today, just some yucky diapers...hopefully it is getting better...but the boys are fine and we all had a fun trip playing with our friends...

We went up with Mike, Melissa, Nick & a hotel suite close to the mall of America so we could share and hang out...went to Trent and Sue's house for the party, where the boys & Ashley got to play with all the other little ones...We are soooo lucky that our friends all have kids right at the same age, they all get along really well and had soooo much fun!!!! THen Saturday night we hung out in our hotel room while the kids slept in the rooms, the guys played poker and Melissa & I got to relax by the hot tub...

Sunday Sue brought Brayden & Adam over to the hotel, we did breakfast at the hotel, then got ready to go SWIMMING!!! tons of fun...the kids LOVED IT...then we got all packed up and took off for the MOA to do some fun rides for the kids...(the big kids even got to ride one...) then we ate at the food court, Ashley got sick, so we went back to Trent & Sue's and did some more laundry and hung out until the drive home...the kids were sleeping with in five minutes of Trent and Sue's...slept the whole drive home, then woke up to come in the house, then went back to sleep and slept until 7 am this morning~~~ they were TIRED!!!

So that was our VERY FUN adventure...thanks so much for Trent for having a birthday, and for Sue for hosing a fun party and for all of the stuff this weekend...the laundry and treats and everything...we had such a fun time....makes us realize how much we miss you guys since you are so far away:( but it is always so much fun to get together....we will have to do it again soon!!!

Here are our pics from the weekend:) if you want to check out more, check out Trent and Sue's blog at

I don't know if they have updated their blog yet, but I am sure they will soon so you can check out more pics from the fun weekend there:)


Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great weekend. Too bad little Ashley bug was not feeling well. I bet they had tons of fun swimming. Hugs and kisses for all. Love G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

You have become quite the little traveling family lately!!! That's great-----looks like a fun time! Hope Ashley isn't coming down with something.