Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lazy weekend

Hello all...Not much going on this weekend, for a change!!!! Chris worked this weekend, so the kids and I are just hanging out, doing some cleaning, and trying to get them over some colds...they all have a runny nose and cough!!! we thought maybe we would get to go ride in the combine today, but it is raining so that will have to wait, even though they are DYING to ride in it!!!!! That is all they talk about...tractors, combines, is the thing to do ya know!!!!

So that is all that we know around here this weekend...pretty boring to report...I do have some pics to are how we found the boys laying the other night when we were getting ready to go to bed...somehow they always end up right next to each other...must be a twin thing!!! and poor Ashley Jo's hair...oh the price of beauty....her hair was standing straight up when I went to give them a bath last night, due to her cute pony tail that she had in yesterday...



Anonymous said...

Is always fun to have a lazy weekend once in a while! When the kids stayed here they were miles apart when they went to sleep. Within 15 minutes they were side by side!!! Must be a twin thing. Ashley Bug is so cute even when her hair is sticking straight up!!! Can't wait for your visit to ride in the combine....soon as the weather straightens out. Hugs and kisses for all. G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

The price of beauty is right-----her hair is too funny in that picture!!!!