Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

We have had a wonderful couple of days of festivies around here to celebrate Halloween...The kids have been having tons of fun, and it has been fun for us parents too:)

On Thursday night, we carved a was our first attempt at this, last year they were too young to even understand, so this year we thought would be fun, and boy was it...Ashley didn't get into it too much, but Ayden & Especially Elliott got right in there and were digging out all the seeds...Elliott really got into it and got most of the seeds out, he was really having fun...of course no knives for them, so mom did the carving, but they got to decide the shapes and then got to watch me light it up with a candle:) It was a very fun night...

Then of course, tonight we donned our costumes and headed out into the neighborhood to get some good tricks for us!!! The boys were Chicago Cubs players, and Ashley was the Cubs Cheerleader:) it was too cute....all the neighbors thought they were too cute, and some even took pictures...I know kind of weird huh, random neighbor people taking pics, but whatever, they are cute, so ya know!!! We racked in a fair amount of candy and even got to pick out one piece to have before they brushed their teeth and went to bed!!! Ayden picked a sucker, Elliott a laffy taffy and Ashley had some M' every one else this is M & M's but our kids like to just call them M's:)

Very yummy, so now they are off to Dream world, and soon we will be too!!!

Hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween as much as we did:)


Jodi Lansink said...

VERY CUTE costumes!!!! Looks like a very fun Halloween!!!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to give the kids a Halloween treat! They look adorable as the CUBS and CHEERLEADER! What a cute idea! Hugs and kisses G&G

Grandma Jane said...

What cute pictures!! Great job on the jack o lantern kids!! They look so cute in their outfits. I can see why people were taking their pictures. Hugs and kisses from us. Love you and miss you!

Lisa said...

They all look adorable!

Lisa said...

ps - nice Husker gear!