Monday, September 29, 2008

Go Broncos!

This weekend was a big one for us around here!!! Chris and I decided to take advantage of the Broncos being so close to us, so we called my Aunt & Uncle, Julie and Steve and went to Kansas City for the game....we had GREAT weather, FABULOUS seats & AWESOME company, but unfortuanatly the otucome ended with the Chiefs beating the Broncos...although they lost, we still had a WONDERFUL time and look forward to going back, if not for a game, at least to visit Julie, Steve & Nick was such a short trip, we left Saturday after Chris got off of work, and then left right after the game got over yesterday to get back and get our kids!!!!

THE KIDS>>> got to have some fun with grandpa and grandma Lansink....they got to ride the tractor, the 4-wheeler, and play outside a lot....they had soooo much fun, but of course they always do when they go to visit G & G!!! They also got to go into Uncle Adam & Aunt Jodi's to play with cousins Ellie & Malia...Jodi took a ton of pics with her new camera...and she did a great job!!! Check out the kids playing at

Thanks to G & G for taking wonderful care of the kids and having so much fun with them:) We love you...

So check out the pics of the kids on Adam & Jodi's blog, and here are our pics of the fun time at the Broncos game!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like fun----too bad the Broncos didn't win though :(

We had fun with your cute kiddos!! Hope you like the pictures! They are all too cute!

Grandma Jane said...

Glad you two had a good time and it appears the kids had a great time, too! Too bad the Broncos lost. Loved the pics that Jodi took - they are really good.

Hugs and Kisses for everyone! We miss all of you.

Anonymous said...

We did have a great time......very busy. Loved having them.....and they even said Go Chiefs and Go Broncos!!!
They are all too cute!!