Monday, October 20, 2008

A farming weekend...

This weekend, we got our carpets cleaned, so we opted to head to Grandpa and Grandma Lansink's on Saturday to let the carpets dry and so we could get in some much desired tractor and combine rides....The boys LOVED it, of course...they rode pretty much all afternoon and had to be dragged in for supper and a bath!!! we had tons of fun too, because Ellie and Malia were staying with G & G for the night...Adam & Jodi were off to a wedding so we got to hang out with them...which was tons of fun, especially for Ashley and Malia...they had so much fun playing together and singing was really too cute:) After a long day riding...the boys & Ashley crashed on the way home....they had soooo much fun:) Thanks for the rides Grandpa:)

Then on Sunday, we just hung some stuff cleaned up outside...I guess preparing for the "S" word....I don't even want to think about snow yet, but I am sure it is inevitable, so better be prepared, huh????

SO that was pretty much it...just a lot of fun on the farm & not so much fun cleaning, but doing what needed to be done:) Hope you all had a great weekend too and enjoy your week:)

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

I know our girls had a great time----like always!!!

Wouldn't it be fun if next year Grandpa Doug would have a "PUMPKIN PATCH" for the kids to pick pumpkins?!?!?! :)