Monday, October 27, 2008


No, not Picasso, just Ayden being naughty....he colored on the basement walls yesterday when I was in changing laundry loads...he found a permanent red marker and decided our walls needed a little something....Don't worry, he got in trouble...good thing is we needed to paint that wall anyway....

Enjoy his art!!! Funny, I appreciate it more when it is on paper and not on my WALLS!


Jodi Lansink said...

OH NO!!!! At least you can paint over it---but I would have been a little upset too!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh little Ayden what an artist you are!!! Hope you didn't get in too much trouble. Hugs and kisses. Grandma

Grandma Jane said...

Grandma would really love to have some artwork on paper Ayden so she can hang it in her office at work or on the refrigerator at home. Maybe you and Elliott and Ashley could work on that!

Love you!