Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Ayden & Elliott

Today was the big day....Ayden & Elliott turned 3!!! We can officially say we have survived having 2 two year olds in our house and now have to move on to the joys of 3 year olds!!!

The boys had a great birthday, with cake and singing, and of course LOTS of playing...they had tons of fun with their daycare friends and LOVED to tell people that it was their birthday!!!

Tonight for supper, Daddy and Mommy took them out for supper, of course Ashley got to tag along too!!! We went to Applebee's and had a yummy supper, followed by some yummy Oreo Sundaes for dessert...they don't sing to people anymore there...they just give the little kids a free dessert on their birthdays:) so we enjoyed that and then headed home, where we got to talk to Grandma's and Grandpa's about the big birthday!!!

It was a great 3rd birthday for the two of them:) we are soooo lucky to have these two little boys in our lives, they surprise us and give us joy every day...We love them VERY MUCH!!!!

Happy Birthday Ayden George & Elliott Douglas!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like the boys had a great day. Always fun to go for supper on your birthday. So cute on the phone with their dimes in their pockets! Give them all hugs and kisses. G&G

Grandma Jane said...

It appears that everyone enjoyed supper at Applebee's! Free dessert is better than singing anytime. Great that they got to do so much celebrating for their birthdays and that they had fun doing it. Can't believe they are 3 already!

Hugs and Kisses to all!

Grandpa and Grandma

The Lange's said...

Happy 3rd B=Day Boys!! Sounds like a fun day! Hope they got and enjoyed their presents from Brayden! We told him what day was their b-day and he picked out their presents, but he couldn't figure out why he didn't get cake that day to celebrate, luckily it was my moms b-day the next day and he got to make and eat the cupcakes! So he then he was ok with that! Just letting you know we were thinking about you! Enjoy all your presents!!