Saturday, January 10, 2009


Well-- Finally, we bit the bullet:) so to speak anyway...We got a new TV...Chris has been wanting one for a while, and today we decided it was time to go and get what he wanted...

So off we went to Pflanz here in Sioux City, and found a 52" LCD Mitsubshi... it is AWESEOME:) the picture is sooooo good, it is really is especially wonderful with our fabulous new Blu-Ray DVD player that we got for a Christmas gift...the picture it projects is so clear it is hard to believe it is only a movie!!!

Then of course, we don't know if we want to mount the TV on our wall yet upstairs, so we opted to find a new TV stand to put it on, so we have the TV in our basement on its new stand while we try and decide if we want to mount it or what we really want to do with our upstairs living area:)

So needless to say it has been an eventful day around here...and tomorrow will be even more:) Little miss Malia is turning 2 tomorrow so we are venturing down to IG for her birthday party:) We can't wait to help her celebrate!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

AWESOME!! I know you have talked about a new tv for quite some time---how exciting! Thanks for making it to Malia's party----it was great to see you guys and I think all the kids had a great time playing!!

The Kruse's said...

I am not telling Jeremy about your fab new tv. He will think he needs one. We are having the baby next week and he be able to shop without me for a few days. Lord knows what he would get :) I just can't take the risk!!!!

The Lange's said...

Awesome TV! Except it got Trent talking about getting one! Can't wait to come down and visit again hopefully sometime this spring! The kids are getting so big! It will be so fun to watch them play! By the way, I just figured out how to do this, so I hope it works!