Saturday, January 17, 2009

Malia's Birthday

Last Sunday was our neice Malia's 2nd birthday...we went down to IG for a fun birthday was delicous chilli, cinnamon rolls, cake and ice cream!!! what more could you ask for:) The kids had a GREAT time playing with their was a good afternoon:)

Other than that, we haven't really been doing much...trying to stay warm, that is for sure!!! it has been too cold to go outside, so we have cuddled up and watched movies on our new TV:) the boys of course go between Ice Age & I type we had to put Lightning McQueen in (AGAIN) is amazing to me how many times kids can watch something and not get bored with it...but it is a cute movie, so I don't mind...TOO much:)

In other news...I believe Ayden has recovered fully from his surgery!!! he is much much better, and is eating like a HORSE!!! he is too funny....the other night, we ate supper, he ate everything on his plate, and then we were watching a movie, when he came up to me and said, Mommy, I'm Hungry!!!! well...I said, how about I go and get and orange and peel it....yeah he decided that would be good, but then out of nowhere came..." I want a cheeseburger too!!!" WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! little stinker!! we opted to just have the orange, but made cheeseburgers the next night for supper!!! so as you can tell, he is back to his old self, and maybe even a little bit more of a pig to help make up for those days when he ate basically slim to none!

The other two peanuts are just that...peanuts!!! Ashley is talking more and more everyday and always has to put her two cents in....the other day she ran around the whole day yelling "look at me, mommy" and then she would do something silly....and Elliott, well is just too smart for his own good!!! his new favorite phrases are "Ca-Chow" and "later mater"...guess where he got these!!:)

so other than that...not much to report, just trying to survive the winter and can't wait until SPRING and warm weather so we can GO OUTSIDE AGAIN!!!!

Everyone enjoy the rest of their weekend:)


Anonymous said...

All cute pictures Abby! Later cute is that. See you next weekend for the TRIPLE Birthday Party. XXOO G&G

The Lange's said...

Sounds like you are keeping busy in this really cold weather! Looks like a lot of fun! Brayden watches shows soo many times too, we have also seen Ice Age too many times to count! Trent and I were just talking about all the things they say and get, if baffles us every time! They are growing up soo fast! But in Adams case not soon enough! Oh well soon we will be saying the same thing about him! Take care!