Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Dietzel Weekend...

One of Chris' best friends from high school and his wife and family came to town this last weekend...TJ, his wife Mo, and their 3 girls came, along with his parents and his sister...they meet his brother here, who has moved to South Dakota, so it was a half way point (kind of) for them to meet and have a fun weekend...and all the better that we live here:)

They got here on Saturday around noon, and we ate lunch out at the mall, then they all came back to our house to see the place and visit...then we took them to their hotel room, where we all changed in to our swim suits and headed down to the pool!!! It was tons of fun for the kids to get to go swimming, and me and chris too!!! Every one had a blast...after swimming, we got to order pizza and hang out in the hotel room for a while...

On Sunday morning, we meet them for breakfast and then they were on their way home...and we went home too so the kids could nap...then after naps, Randi and Tom & Logan came over to watch the Super Bowl with us...they are in town now!!!!!!!! YEAH:) it is soooo great having them here...they are in a transition place right now until they can close on their house in February....we are soooo excited to have them back in town

All in all we had a great weekend:) Hope everyone else enjoyed theirs too!!!


Grandma Jane said...

Looks like the kids all had fun for sure!! Was that pizza good Ashley?! Glad the Dietzel's all made it out okay, but what a short weekend for them!

Love you all! Hugs and Kisses for everyone!

Grandma & Grandpa

Jodi Lansink said...

fun fun fun! Also getting to swim when it is cold outside is always a fun time!!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun and busy weekend. Looks like the kids had a great time. Give them all some hugs and kisses. XXOO G&G