Sunday, January 25, 2009

Birthdays, Birthdays & More Birthdays!!!

Well, it is that time of year, time to celebrate some birthdays....Today is my mom, Teresa's 50th birthday!!! Happy Birthday mom...we love you lots and hope you had a great day....

The weather wasn't the greatest this morning, we were supposed to head down and go out for dinner with everyone and then have cake and ice cream at mom & dad's to celebrate mom's birthday as well as the upcoming b-day for Ayden & Elliott...but because of the snow, we opted to stay home this morning, but after the kids took a nap the roads had been cleared, so we went down and had a birthday afternoon with them...The kids had soooo much fun. The boys got to open some presents, so they were way excited to get new movies, a magna doodle, cute clothes...especially cool new John Deere sweatshirts!!! and savings bonds...Thanks to Adam, Jodi, Ellie & Malia, Aaron and Grandpa and Grandma for all the GREAT stuff....the boys love it!!! and we are happy that we got to spend some time with Grandma on her big day!!! Hope it was wonderful....

That was not the only celebration the boys got this weekend...Grandma Jane and Grandpa George made a trip over here to get the boys their birthday presents too!! they came on Friday and had to cut the trip short due to the impending they headed home on Saturday afternoon...the boys got a new baler and a new spreader to put behind their "big" tractors that they got at Christmas....and also some neat farm animals...They LOVE the new toys and can't get enough of them!!! We also got to have a great lunch out on Saturday at the Texas Roadhouse....soooo yummy!!! Thanks so much for coming, even if it was a short trip, and for everything!!!:)

Now the big day is on Tuesday...Not too much planned for the actual day...The boys want cupcakes, so I think I will make them on Monday night, so that they and all the daycare kids can celebrate on Tuesday at snack time!!! It should be a great day...can't believe they are going to be 3!!! where has all the time gone...amazing:)

Thank you & we love you all!!!


Anonymous said...

We had a great time too! Thanks so much for coming. Glad the boys loved all the presents. Will give the boys a call on Tuesday. Love you lots. G

Jodi Lansink said...

Tell Ayden and Elliott Happy Birthday from us.