Thursday, March 19, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in a while...just laziness on my part!! haha...guess it just kind of sneaks up on me that I haven't posted in a while and then all of a sudden it has been a week or better!!!

We have been busy playing outside this week, enjoying the wonderful weather!!! I even got some pics of the kids playing out in the sun...didn't get a good one of Ayden...that boy is ALWAYS on the go!!! no time for pictures apparently!! but I will post what I got...

My birthday ended up being pretty low key and great!! I got my presents early, so on my actual day, we just made sandwiches for supper and then went out to Perkins for dessert!!! yummy!!!! the kids loved it and SOOOO did I:) and Chris too of course:) Then for the weekend, the kids have been begging (not to mention Grandma and Grandpa too) for a weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Lansink...I think it has been about 5 or 6 months since they have had a weekend all to themselves with G & I had TONS of cleaning to get done, so we decided on this last weekend as the weekend!!! and BOY did they have FUN!!! they got to pet the baby calf, Elliott got poop on him (or so he keeps telling me), they not only got to ride in the tractors but they also got to DRIVE them...apparently you only have to be 3 to drive a tractor these days!!! anyway...they LOVED it and had SOOOOOO much fun...I wouldn't call cleaning fun, but it is one less thing to worry chris and I got to go on a DATE!! so I think we all had a great time...Thank you very much Grandma and Grandpa for the fun, fun, fun weekend!!!

So, other than that excitement...not much new...hopefully I will get some more good pics soon and will be better at posting:)

Have a great weekend!!!


Anonymous said...

We did have a lot of fun!!! Didn't you know you do only have to be 3 to drive a tractor!!! As Elliott would say that would be "dick u lus". Give them all hugs and kisses. We can't wait for them to stay again! G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

Sounds like they had a blast at G and G's!!!! Isn't it great to get outside----after a LONG WINTER, it feels so good to get the kids out!!!

Lisa said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend, well deserve I'm sure. Too bad you had to do all that cleaning!