Friday, March 27, 2009


Attention:) Ayden, Elliott and Ashley are so excited to share with you that they are going to be getting a new baby brother or sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that is right....Schrunk Baby #4 is due to arrive on Oct. 1:)

We are very excited about our new arrival and can hardly wait till he/she arrives....

AND YES IT IS ONLY ONE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all of you wondering...I had an ultrasound today to make sure of the dating and such and it is for sure just one little baby in is measuring about 3 ounces right now!!! so tiny:) and our due date of Oct 1 was right on, because it was measuring for a due date of Sept. 30!!! Any way you take it, I will probably have this baby the last week of Sept by scheduled c-section!!!!!

I have felt very good so far, just TIRED, but who isn't!!! Hopefully everything will continue well...13 weeks down, about 26 more to go:)


Jodi Lansink said...

We are very excited for you-----and glad to know everything looked good on the ultrasound!!! :)

(Ellie says you are having a girl! We'll see!)

The Kruse's said...

CONGRATS! We are sooo happy for you guys.

Grandma Teresa said...

Yeah!!!! We are very excited for you too! October will be here before you know it. Glad you are feeling good. Grandchild # 7....oh my!!! Hugs and Kisses. G&G

Grandma Teresa said...

Sorry Chris and Abby....I was secretly hoping for two!!!!! MOM

The Lange's said...

Congrats! We are very excited for you all! Can't wait to meet the newest little Schrunk! Glad to hear you are feeling good and doing so well! Adam is almost 10 months and I am still exhausted! Take care!