Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Presents a day early!

What a lucky girl am I!!! I got my birthday presents a day early:) WooHOO:)

Chris found these awesome wall hangings for me to decorate my walls with!! The kids brought them too me and were sooo excited about giving me presents, it really was too cute:)

So tomorrow is the actual day...yeah, another year older, oh well, not much can be done about it except to celebrate it, so that is what we will do...nothing too exciting planned, but maybe I can get out of cooking or something, huh:)

Here are the pics of the FABULOUS birthday presents I got...Lucky ME:) Thank you Honey & kiddos!!! I love you very much:)


Grandma Jane said...

What awesome wall hangings! Hope you have a wonderful birthday Abby! You shouldn't have to cook on your birthday (tell Chris I said so!)

Jane and George

Jodi Lansink said...

What a great husband you have!!!! Love the wall decor---what great gifts! Hope you have a great day tomorrow and don't have to cook! :)

Adam said...

Happy b-day sis. Hope you have a good one.