Friday, March 27, 2009

sleepy little girl

So we have been fighting a cough/cold thing here at our house AGAIN!!! will winter EVER end??? so it has been some not so good sleep around here...but Ashley decided to take advantage of the swing being out to climb in and get some zzzz's yesterday....I have a new baby for daycare so I have the swing out for him, and she thinks she needs to sit in it...just like the boys did when we got the swing out when we brought her home!!! oh goof balls....but Ashley has been tired because of the coughing, so she actually fell asleep in the was really too cute...of course she had her essentials with her, her milk and her never know when you will get thirsty or need to talk to someone:)

I didn't get any pics of the boys...I will have to do that this weekend...they got new haircuts the other night, they look pretty handsome!!! I will try to get them to sit still for 2 seconds and snap a pic for ya all:)


The Kruse's said...

Morgan will not stay out of the baby swing either. She just climbs in and swings.

Grandma Teresa said...

How cute is that! You do never know who will call...always keep your phone with you Ashley. Hugs and kisses. G&G