Friday, March 27, 2009


Attention:) Ayden, Elliott and Ashley are so excited to share with you that they are going to be getting a new baby brother or sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that is right....Schrunk Baby #4 is due to arrive on Oct. 1:)

We are very excited about our new arrival and can hardly wait till he/she arrives....

AND YES IT IS ONLY ONE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For all of you wondering...I had an ultrasound today to make sure of the dating and such and it is for sure just one little baby in is measuring about 3 ounces right now!!! so tiny:) and our due date of Oct 1 was right on, because it was measuring for a due date of Sept. 30!!! Any way you take it, I will probably have this baby the last week of Sept by scheduled c-section!!!!!

I have felt very good so far, just TIRED, but who isn't!!! Hopefully everything will continue well...13 weeks down, about 26 more to go:)

sleepy little girl

So we have been fighting a cough/cold thing here at our house AGAIN!!! will winter EVER end??? so it has been some not so good sleep around here...but Ashley decided to take advantage of the swing being out to climb in and get some zzzz's yesterday....I have a new baby for daycare so I have the swing out for him, and she thinks she needs to sit in it...just like the boys did when we got the swing out when we brought her home!!! oh goof balls....but Ashley has been tired because of the coughing, so she actually fell asleep in the was really too cute...of course she had her essentials with her, her milk and her never know when you will get thirsty or need to talk to someone:)

I didn't get any pics of the boys...I will have to do that this weekend...they got new haircuts the other night, they look pretty handsome!!! I will try to get them to sit still for 2 seconds and snap a pic for ya all:)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The new room!

So we have decided it is time to finish the "extra" room that is off of our living room, and make it a bedroom for Ayden & Elliott...well, not just a bedroom, but a Lightning Mcqueen bedroom...of course decor will come later, right now, it is just getting the room finsihed!!! Grandma Jane and Grandpa George came this weekend to help Chris get the room off to a very good start....we had to raise the floor to get it level with the living room, and next will be taking out the ceiling to give it some more height...they will also drywall the walls and put in a new floor, so even though it is still a ways from being done, I thought I would tell you all about the process now!!! The boys are SOOOOOO excited, and they kept saying all weekend, daddy and grandpa are working on my new bedroom!!! should be lots of, I will just keep my eye out for some Lightning Mcqueen deals and we will be good to go:)

While Daddy and Grandpa were busy working on the room...Grandma and I got to play with the kids...we hung out, had lunch at MCdonald's, got to play OUTSIDE because it was WONDERFUL out:), and had a very fun time!!!

It was a very productive weekend around the Schrunk house:)

Also in the pics is one of Ms. Jo Jo, who found a box of shoes that wonderful Aunt Kathy has sent that her girls used to wear, in it is some PINK cowgirl boots...they are too big, but of course, Ms. Independent wouldn't take no for an answer and had to strut her stuff in those boots!!! it is too funny!:)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in a while...just laziness on my part!! haha...guess it just kind of sneaks up on me that I haven't posted in a while and then all of a sudden it has been a week or better!!!

We have been busy playing outside this week, enjoying the wonderful weather!!! I even got some pics of the kids playing out in the sun...didn't get a good one of Ayden...that boy is ALWAYS on the go!!! no time for pictures apparently!! but I will post what I got...

My birthday ended up being pretty low key and great!! I got my presents early, so on my actual day, we just made sandwiches for supper and then went out to Perkins for dessert!!! yummy!!!! the kids loved it and SOOOO did I:) and Chris too of course:) Then for the weekend, the kids have been begging (not to mention Grandma and Grandpa too) for a weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Lansink...I think it has been about 5 or 6 months since they have had a weekend all to themselves with G & I had TONS of cleaning to get done, so we decided on this last weekend as the weekend!!! and BOY did they have FUN!!! they got to pet the baby calf, Elliott got poop on him (or so he keeps telling me), they not only got to ride in the tractors but they also got to DRIVE them...apparently you only have to be 3 to drive a tractor these days!!! anyway...they LOVED it and had SOOOOOO much fun...I wouldn't call cleaning fun, but it is one less thing to worry chris and I got to go on a DATE!! so I think we all had a great time...Thank you very much Grandma and Grandpa for the fun, fun, fun weekend!!!

So, other than that excitement...not much new...hopefully I will get some more good pics soon and will be better at posting:)

Have a great weekend!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Presents a day early!

What a lucky girl am I!!! I got my birthday presents a day early:) WooHOO:)

Chris found these awesome wall hangings for me to decorate my walls with!! The kids brought them too me and were sooo excited about giving me presents, it really was too cute:)

So tomorrow is the actual day...yeah, another year older, oh well, not much can be done about it except to celebrate it, so that is what we will do...nothing too exciting planned, but maybe I can get out of cooking or something, huh:)

Here are the pics of the FABULOUS birthday presents I got...Lucky ME:) Thank you Honey & kiddos!!! I love you very much:)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sleep Tight

Ms. Ashley Jo has decided that it is NOT enough to sleep with just ONE baby in her bed....she has to have 2:) She says that they are her twins!!! HAHA:) too cute... so anyway, I went to check on her after she was sleeping and found her like this....How adorable...:) what a sweetie...

I also had to snap a pic of the "real" twins:) they were sleeping is amazing how quiet it is when those two finally decide to give in to some sleep!!! they did have some pretty cute things to say tonight though...First Ayden was eating the corn that we were having for dinner, and was inspecting, then said "the combine harvests the corn"!!! well, thank you Ayden:) he is full of knowledge...he also said "it harvests the beans too...and the tractor helps!!" what would we do with out him!! cute little boy:)

Since it was sooo nice today, we went out to play on the driveway this evening after was getting dark and the moon was visible, but it was only a "half moon" or whatever you call it....well Elliott noticed it and said "look mom, the moon is broken"....hmmm!!! would never have thought of it like that...what an imagination, huh???

Enjoy the sleepy pics and have a good night!!!