Monday, May 4, 2009

The weekend

Well, another weekend has come and gone, with a busy weekend on tap, it was nice to get some good weather to go along with our fun...

On Saturday we went to Omaha to visit a good college friend of ours Mark and his family, they were back in Omaha for the weekend before being stationed in HAWAII with his Navy career...we haven't seen Mark in like 4 years, so it was soooo nice to visit with him and see his kids, we had lots of fun. Also while in Omaha, we made a trip to Nebraska Furn. Mart to do some bedroom shopping for the kids!! We are happy to report that the boys are going to have bunk beds!! (and yes they are already "debating" who will have the top bunk) and Ashley has her very own big girl bed!!! WooHOO!!! they are very pleased and excited to have these new items, which should arrive here in June and we will be able to get all situated once the new bedroom is complete!!

On Sunday, I was supposed to go and see my neice Ellie in her dance recital, but we have all been fighting a cough/cold/runny nose thing...we actually were supposed to go see neice's Grace, Leah & Anna also have a dance recital too, but due to the colds opted to stay closer to home... but on Sunday I ended up with a headache and opted to stay home and sleep it off...we are sorry to have missed everyone's recitals and hope you all had lots of fun and we know you did a great job:) after a good LONG nap for EVERYONE!!! we headed outside, where the boys wanted to learn how to ride their new BIG BOY BIKES!!! they are doing very well, they both keep saying they can't wait to show Grandmas and Grandpas how good they are, so hopefully you will all get to see them ride soon...but for now here are the pics of the little munchkins:)


Grandma Teresa said...

Look at those kids on the bikes.....before you know it they'll be professionals. Very cute with all of them in their "shades". Give them all hugs and kisses. XXOO G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

They looks so grown up on their bikes! I think bunk beds are a good choice-----can't wait to see their new room come together!

Grandma Jane said...

They really can't be big enough to ride bikes already can they?! Can't wait to see them ride in person.

Cool shades, too, dudes and dudette!

Hopefully Grandpa can get there soon to help get the bedroom finished so those new beds can be put to use -for sleeping in and not jumping on - or from!!!!

Love you! Hope you all get to feeling better very, very soon. Hugs and kisses!
Grandpa and Grandma S.

Lisa said...

Too funny everyone already commented on the sunglasses. That's what I was going to mention, but I'll still do it anyway... Good job on the sun protection mom and dad, gotta protect those eyes!