Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Trip to Illinois!

We went to visit Grandpa and Grandma Schrunk this past weekend in Illinois, we left Friday night and headed over...we got a new DVD player installed in our Expedition, so it made for a nice evening of traveling...we watched Madagascar 2, Ice Age and Cars...all in one trip:)

On Satuday we got to hang out in the morning with G & G, and uncle Jamie and aunt Carolynne came to play...then lunch and naps, then Chris and I had a surprise birthday party to go to for one of his good friends from high school...he turned the big 3-0!!!!!!! We headed up to Wisconsin for the party with good friends TJ & Mo and Tony and Stacy...it was a nice ride, except for the car sickness, RIGHT MO!!!!

We had a great time at the party, Cory was VERY surprised and we all had a great time...his wife Sarah is due like 3 weeks after me, so we got to compare notes on pregnancy:) and it was just good to visit with them:)

After that party, we hopped over to another!!! YES, I know 2 in ONE NIGHT:) it was like we were in college again:) so anyway, TJ and Stacy's sister Cindy is moving to some foreign land they call Montana!! so they were having a going away party for her at another establishment...we got to enjoy some "good" Karoke...and then it was on back to the Schrunk house....

The kids got to play with G & G all night and had a VERY fun time!!! they got to watch BOLT and play and just all in all have a very good time!! Thanks George and Jane for watching them, I know they had a great time with you guys:)

On Sunday, we called an "old Friend" Ms. Sarah and met her for lunch before heading out of town...I think the boys really "liked" her!!! but don't we all!!! so thanks Sarah for sharing your lunch with the boys and having a fun visit with us:)

Then on to home to start another week!!!!!!

Also this weekend, my sister-in-law, Lisa Lansink, became Dr. Lisa Lansink:) WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she graduated from optometry school in Chicago...sounds like the weekend was lots of fun and we are very very proud of you!!! Congratuations:)


Grandma Jane said...

We had lots of fun with the kids and glad they enjoyed their visit. Too bad the weather didn't cooperate a little more so we could play outdoors. Maybe next time! It was just good to see all of you - it seems like it had been a long time since the last visit.

Love you!
Grandma and Grandpa S.

Grandma Teresa said...

Looks like a very fun weekend!!! We had a great time too! Give the monks some hugs and kisses. XXOO G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

VERY FUN! As parents, I think we all need some "adult time" with friends! Glad you had a good time!!