Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day weekend

We had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend...nothing too big or exciting:) Grandpa George and Grandma Jane came on Saturday morning, so that Grandpa could work on the boys' new room, get some more things accomplished, hopefully we are moving in the right direction and now it is just a matter of time before they will have their new Lightning McQueen Room:) Thanks Grandpa and Grandma...

While Grandpa was busy working, we spent lots of time outside playing and we even went to the park...they got to go all 3 days :) they were very happy about that...

Yesterday on Memorial Day, Chris had to work, so Grandpa Doug and Grandma Teresa came up to visit...we had lunch, Played at the park, and then got to have ice cream cones from Dairy Queen!! YUMMY:) Thanks for coming and spending the afternoon with us....

Now, today is a big day, cause it is Ashley's 1st day in big girl underwear!!! it is going like a 1st day normally would, but she loves having them on and she thinks that she is pretty big stuff...I think she will get the hang of it soon, right now she tells me right AFTER she goes!!! oh well, this is only day 1:) the timing will work itself out:)

Here are some pics of our fun playing at the park!! Hope everyone enjoyed their "long" weekend and have a great week!


Jodi Lansink said...

Good luck with the potty training!!! She seems so little yet, but you never know unless you try right?!?!? Glad you had a good weekend. :)

Grandma Teresa said...

We had a lot of fun too! The ice cream was great....tell Ayden and Ashley my favorite is black too! Tell Elliott Grandpa's favorite is nilla too! XXOO G&G