Thursday, April 9, 2009

Remodeling the....

KITCHEN!!! yes that is right everyone...surprise surpise (to us too)... we are supposed to be working on the boys' new room I know, but we are kind of at a stopping point right now for various reasons on that room, it will hopefully resume here probably in May I would guess, but anyway, we took a trip out to Lowe's last weekend and stumbled upon some ceramic tile that was discounted way down, that we really liked...We have known for a while that we have wanted to replace the floors in the kitchen, because we want to take our carpets up and put in hard wood floors (it will be soooo much easier with KIDS!) So anyway...we found this stuff and BOUGHT IT!!! crazy I know.... but it was such a good price we couldn't beat it and I am sure in a few months when we wanted to do it, we wouldn't have been able to find a deal like this....

So we got the tile home and our friends Tom and Randi recently had tile done in their new kitchen, so we asked them who put it in...not that Chris couldn't have done it, but we did get such a good deal on it, and it is the kitchen and Chris has never done a big tile job like this before, so we thought we might as well have a professional do it!!! so we called him on Monday and he said well actually I have time to do it this week, I can come tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW...that is fast, so we (and when I say we I mean Chris:) tore out the old floor and got the stove and fridge out of their and the guy has been working on the floor ever since...he started on Tuesday morning, and they finished up today about 11:30 with the grout!!!!!!!! IT LOOKS AMAZING:) We are soooo pleased with it, they did an awesome job....

So here are some pics of our surprise renovations!!! sometimes planning things is overrated huh:)


Grandma Jane said...

The floor looks great! Bet it was hard for those little boys to have to just watch instead of being in the middle of the project!! I'm sure you are going to love the new tile.

Have a Happy Easter!

Hugs and Kisses!
Grandpa and Grandma Schrunk

Grandma Teresa said...

The floor looks awesome.....Love the picture of the kids all lined up watching the project!!! See you this weekend. Give them all hugs and kisses. XXOO Mom and Dad

Jodi Lansink said...

wow---looks like I am slacking on comments!

The floor looks awesome!!! I LOVE tile and we hope to do the same to ours in the future too! Even better when you get a good deal!!