Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter 2009

Well, another successful Easter has come and gone...this year Chris had to work:( so the kids and I headed to my parent's house on Saturday morning to spend the weekend...we had so much fun playing, seeing the baby cows, riding & driving the tractors, and hunting for Easter eggs....I think that they and I were all exhausted from a fun weekend...

On Saturday after naps, we headed out to find Grandpa in the rides, and then we went and saw baby cows...then we went in to wait for cousins Ellie and Malia to come join us for some Easter egg coloring...BOY THAT WAS FUN!!! We had a great time with them, always fun to play with cousins:)

Then on Sunday we went to Mass...Ms. Ashley left a little to be desired in the behavior department at church, she is just far to busy to sit still apparently!! Then after Mass, we headed to Great Grandpa and Grandma Lansink's...Grandpa Bernard had just gotten out of the hospital so we were grateful for him to be with us and for him to be feeling better!! We had a great brunch and "hunted" for eggs...the kids LOVED it, then visited for a while....

We headed back to G& G's for some naps...then we got a surprise from Uncle Keith & Aunt Deb who were out driving the Army Jeep, so they brought it out to the farm for the kids to take a spin...Ashley sat in it but didn't want to ride, but the boys and Grandpa took a spin and had a blast...then they had to ride the new 4-wheeler before we ate a bite to eat. Great Grandpa and Grandma Spotts and NEal and Janna stopped out too for a few mintues for some Easter Treats....Grandma too was in the hospital last week for her leg, so hopefully that is starting to feel better too!!! after we ate and visited it was time to HEAD HOME!!!

All in all it was a great weekend with lots of fun!!! We also got VERY COOL Easter cards in the mail from Grandpa and Grandma Schrunk...the kids loved getting those cards and headed straight for the piggy banks with their money!!! smart little savers we have!!!

Enjoy the Easter pictures:) We have some college friends in town this weeekend, so I am sure we will have much more to post about later!!!


Grandma Jane said...

What a busy, fun-filled weekend you all had! You packed in a lot of activities in your weekend. Glad you had so much fun!

Miss you!
Grandma and Grandpa S.

Jodi Lansink said...

It was a very busy, but VERY FUN weekend! We had a great time hanging out with you guys! We'll have to get together more often!