Saturday, April 4, 2009


So since nothing much is new...I just thought I would show some everyday pictures of our "life"....Last Sunday G & G Lansink surprised us and stopped by with some ice cream treats...we were outside because it was nice, so we got to play with them and have fun outside...

So much for that this weekend, huh....can we say BLIZZARD!!! YUCK..... As of right now, it has not started snowing here YET, but we are in blizzard warnings, so ya know it is on the way!!! so we pretty much spent the day inside there are some pics of the kids horsing around with the clothes baskets...I honestly don't think they need anything other than a laundry basket to play with...!!!! crazy kids...

Oh, Chris did get some work done in the boys' new room...the CEILING IS GONE!!! whoo hoo!!! there is a pic of that too...we are making progress! well, Chris is making progress, I don't think it would have been good for the baby if I would have helped and had to breath in that nasty ceiling dust...yuck:( good thing Chris had a mask on:) Thanks Honey!!!

Also note in the pics, Ashley is wearing an AWESOME Briar Cliff sweatshirt, in all of the pics, because that little stinker, once you put it on her, she WON'T let you take it off of about stubborn!!! but I guess she just loves her BCU Chargers!!! haha:) good thing we have two of them since they were Ayden and Elliott's!!! I can wash one and she can wear one, just another bonus to twins, huh:)

So other than that, NOTHING new:) Enjoy!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like fun---always fun when G and G stop by!!! Can't wait to see the room finished, hard work, but worth it in the end!!!

The Kruse's said...

The boys are getting big. How have you been feeling. Are you guys going to find out if the baby is a boy or girl. I think girl...