Saturday, February 28, 2009

Big Day for Ashley:)

So....Today was a great day for Ashley Jo!!! She went potty on the big girl potty for the 1st time!!!!!!!! She has wanted to sit on the thing forever, but has never actually gone in today was a big step:) She even told me she had to go!!! we were in the living room reading books right before nap and she said "I go potty mommy"...I said "let's go in and be a big girl" and she said "yeah" we went in and soon enough she had gone!!!!!!!!!! HOW EXCITING:) I know this is probably just the first of the long road, but hey, yeah have to start somewhere:)

Here is the proud little girl...SHE was SOOOOOO excited:) and her brothers were too!! It was cute:)


Grandma Jane said...

Yeah Ashley Jo!!!! What a big girl you are!!! Hope she continues to tell Mommy.
I can just imagine the big celebration going on at the Schrunk house!

Love you all! Hugs and Kisses for everyone!

Grandma and Grandpa Schrunk

Jodi Lansink said...

How exciting!!! What a big girl!

The Lange's said...

WOW! That's great! The house looks awesome too!

Anonymous said...

Ashley...wooo hooo....we are proud of you. Keep up the good work. Hugs and kisses XXOOO G&G