Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day


We had a pretty low key Valentine's here at the Schrunk house...I made some yummy cupcakes for the kids to have for their snack on Friday...and trust me...EVERYONE enjoyed them...maybe a little too much, if ya know what I mean...but it was fun and a special occasion....I also got the kids a new book and a treat for the big v-day...the little ones, Jamison, Samantha & Ashley got coloring books and colors and the older ones got Lightning McQueen books!!! they were a big hit!! It was a fun celebration...

We also got our Valentine's presents early from Grandpa Doug and Grandma Teresa...last weekend they got their new Jammies:) very cute and comfy!! Thanks...

We also got Valentines in the mail from Grandpa George and Grandma Jane and Great Grandpa & Grandma Spotts...Thank you for the special mail...the kids LOVE it and it is too funny to see them rip into the mail!!

We also got pictures taken this weekend...the boys for their 3 year pics and Ashley for her 18 month pics...they turned out super cute:) can't wait to hand them out!!

We had a great V-Day and hope you did the same!!! Have a great week


Jodi Lansink said...

Happy V-Day! Fun pictures----can't wait to get some updated ones for my frames!

Anonymous said...

They look adorable in their new jammies....the cupcakes look good too! It is great fun to get they thought they were really important.Love, hugs and kisses G&G

Grandma Jane said...

Love all the pictures! Looks like the kids enjoyed everything about Valentine's Day!

Hugs and Kisses!

Grandma and Grandpa

The Kruse's said...

The kids are so cute and getting big.