Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sleep Tight

Ms. Ashley Jo has decided that it is NOT enough to sleep with just ONE baby in her bed....she has to have 2:) She says that they are her twins!!! HAHA:) too cute... so anyway, I went to check on her after she was sleeping and found her like this....How adorable...:) what a sweetie...

I also had to snap a pic of the "real" twins:) they were sleeping is amazing how quiet it is when those two finally decide to give in to some sleep!!! they did have some pretty cute things to say tonight though...First Ayden was eating the corn that we were having for dinner, and was inspecting, then said "the combine harvests the corn"!!! well, thank you Ayden:) he is full of knowledge...he also said "it harvests the beans too...and the tractor helps!!" what would we do with out him!! cute little boy:)

Since it was sooo nice today, we went out to play on the driveway this evening after was getting dark and the moon was visible, but it was only a "half moon" or whatever you call it....well Elliott noticed it and said "look mom, the moon is broken"....hmmm!!! would never have thought of it like that...what an imagination, huh???

Enjoy the sleepy pics and have a good night!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

they all look so peaceful-----and I had to chuckle seeing Ashley with her "naked twins" All our babies look the same way-----no clothes!!! Why is that?!?!? HAHAHA!!!!!

The Kruse's said...

That is so cute. I love the way kids think. Morgan is huge on babies right now. She even thinks she needs to give them a bath.

Anonymous said...

Little Ashley bug with her twins....way too cute...and so are the real twins!!!