Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

What a fun and festive time we had for our Thanksgiving holiday...We went on Wednesday evening to Grandpa & Grandma Lansink's house...My brother Andrew & his wife Lisa were back from Chicago so we got to hang out with them and visit and the kids got to play with them....On Thursday, my brother Aaron came down for the BIG dinner that mom made....IT WAS DELICIOUS:) Turkey, Ham, Pork Loin & all the fixings....can't go wrong with that...needless to say there were plenty of leftovers for everyone to enjoy over the next couple of days....

Thursday afternoon, my brother Adam & his wife Jodi and their kids joined us to visit and play....what a fun time!!!!!! and we are excited for their news that we will be having a new neice or nephew......we don't have a preference just a healthy baby & healthy mom is all we can ask for....can't wait for the new one to arrive:) Congrats guys:)

Then we headed into my Grandpa and Grandma Lansink's house to help celebrate their wedding was great to see a lot of my cousins and their families...we are all expanding so quickly, it is just amazing:)

Then Friday, we slept in, a little, and then hung out and played all day with Andrew & Lisa, the boys got a tractor ride, and we went to see Grandma at work at the bank...then after the bank we went to the city park for a little bit of playing around, before it was home for lunch and naps!!! Friday night after Grandma got home we went for supper in Arthur...very yummy:)

Bad news on the way home though, we were pulling in my parent's driveway and the tire sensor thing on our car came on, so we got out when we parked and sure enough we could hear the air POURING out of the tire...a rock was shoved in the sidewall of one of our tires, and was not we had a spendy day on Saturday to get new tires put on the vehicle...HO HO HO to us...what everygirl wants for Christmas, a new set of tires:) ha ha~~~

Then we got to hang out on Saturday afternoon/evening with my aunts & uncles and cousins!!!!!!!! what a fun time playing cards and eating pizza and letting the kids play....but our time was up at G & G's, mostly because we needed them to get back into their routine today before Monday we drove back home on Saturday night....

Today we goofed around this morning, put up the tree this afternoon, and now I just got done doing some wrapping of some gifts that we already have....just a few more things to pick up and I think that I will be done!!!!!!!

here are some pics from the weekend:) Hope you all enjoyed your Thansgiving...we truly have a lot to be thankful for this year....We love you all!!!

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

We had no idea you were sticking around all weekend...we thought you had to work Friday, or we would have come out to let the kids play some more?

Looks like you had a great time with everyone.