Saturday, November 22, 2008

A little bit of nothing...

So we really didn't do anything too exciting this week, and I don't have any pics to show you, but I thought I would tell you all that we are still here and hanging in there....

On Thursday night, we got surprised by a good friend of our's Lynne who was in town getting her car worked on...she stopped over and visited with me in the afternoon because her car wasn't done and then we decided to go out for supper with her & Mike and the kids...too bad Melissa was working:( But we had a good time, and we were even complimented on how well behaved all the children were!!!! An older gentleman at a few tables away stopped on their way out to tell us how good they were...Made us feel good:) Now if they would just behave at home!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA:) was good to see Lynne and catch up with her, too bad Brian and the Kids weren't along so we could have seen them too!!! Next time maybe:)

This morning we woke up to a blanket of snow......and of course Elliott starts bouncing off the walls "It SNOWED, it Snowed!!!" oh to be 2 again and think snow is fun!!!!!!!!! and Ayden wanted to put on his "big boots" and go out and play....yeah at 7 in the morning we are going to go out and play...think again Ayden!!! so I said that if it wasn't too cold after naps we might head out and play for a little bit!!! If we do, I will get some pics and post them later!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend:)

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