Sunday, November 16, 2008

Grandpa & Grandma visit

Grandpa George & Grandma Jane came for the weekend, so we had tons of fun playing with them...the boys even got to stay up a little later on Friday night waiting for them to come ( poor Ashley was too tuckered to keep her eyes open anymore)... On Saturday we just goofed around all day, got to have lunch at Applebee's and then came home for naps...Then we had pizza for supper and played some more and then it was time for bed...since George & Jane were here, Chris and I took the privlege to go and have a drink...we weren't gone long, but it was enough....

Then today, we just hung out and goofed around...I made a pork loin for supper, so we just enjoyed playing around the house and having a lazy day....We watched the Broncos win:) and then enjoyed our yummy pork loin...

Grandma got the kids some cute new jammies, so they got to wear those on Saturday night...the pics show the new sleeping atire:) We also watched "Happy Feet" this weekend with the kids...THEY LOVED is about the dancing penguins...everytime the screen went away from the penguins, Ayden would say "where did the penguins go???" all worried!!! And in one scene there are whales that are trying to eat the penguins and the boys started saying "nono whales, don't bite the penguins" very cute and very funny!!! so there are pics of them all dancing to the happy feet music, and then there are some pics of playing around tonight after baths, with Daddy being the horse:)

Hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend...

OH, I almost forgot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUR WONDERFUL FRIENDS Tom, Randi, and their son Logan called us the other day to let us know that they will be MOVING to SIOUX CITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited:) Randi & I used to work together at First Federal and then she moved to Omaha to be with her then boyfriend, now he's her husband:) I was so sad to have her move away, but now Tom has gotten a promotion with Northern Natural and they will be moving back up here..........HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!!! it will probably be a while before Randi & Logan are here because they have to sell the house, but Tom starts on Dec. 1!!!:) I just hope the house sells quickly so Randi and Logan can be here too!!!!!!!!!!! We can not wait to have you guys back in the area:)

So, Now, I think that is it!!! Have a great week:)


Jodi Lansink said...

Cute new jammies!!!! Sounds like a fun time with Grandma and Grandpa! That is also VERY exciting your friends are moving back----I would feel the same way if any of mine moved here too(which will NEVER happen!)

See you in a couple weeks!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a very fun weekend. What is it about Grandma's and jammies??? Give them all hugs and kisses. G&G

Anonymous said...

Now that I'm your friend on face book what the heck do I do??

Grandma Jane said...

We had fun, too! Thanks for letting us come and play. Look forward to seeing you in a few weeks and praying for good weather! I'm going to try to set up a time for pics with all the kids at the place I was telling you about Abby. Will call you soon.