Saturday, September 6, 2008


Well, September is here and boy was it chilly today...I didn't realize the weather would turn so quickly and hadn't even dug out our fall things yet...Thankfully we didn't have much to do today, so I could get that done...the boys and Ashley were of course oh so helpful in getting things spread out all over the house!!! LOVELY:) anway....I have an idea of where we stand now for fall and winter clothing and we will not be getting cold here at the Schrunk house...

Also we got a package yesterday from Uncle Brandon:) It had presents in it for the boys and for Ashley since he was unable to make it to Ashley's birthday party...we got a Tickle me Cookie Monster, a stuffed Pooh, new books, baseball gloves & balls & a cute outfit for Ash!!! Thanks a million Uncle should hear them giggle at that Cookie Monster...PRICELESS!!! We love and miss you and hope to see you soon:)

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