Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend...


Not much to report around here, just goofed around this weekend...

Last Thursday night, we took the kids to Dairy Queen for a treat after supper because the boys have been doing really well with going potty and Ashley just cause she is cute:) Anyway...they all enjoyed the ice cream treats!!!

Chris worked this weekend on Saturday and Sunday and went in for a couple hours this morning, but then was home with us for the rest of the day!!! We went to lunch and goofed around and then came home for some naps, then we played outside and took and bath and well, now you can guess it is bed time!!!!!!!

SO as you can see, nothing too exciting around these neck of the woods, just some fun days playing and enjoying the last of our summer:( hopefully it won't turn too cold too quickly!!! I won't know what to do with all of my holigans stuck inside all winter with all that energy!!!!!!!

So here are some pics of the kids enjoying their Ice Cream...notice Ashley had to dig into MY blizzard....hmmm!!!!!!! and then just some of Ashley being cute in her pig tails that she left in a total of 5 minutes...oh that hair is driving me crazy!!! and then all of the goof balls being silly:)

So here they are to enjoy for now:) Hopefully I will get more pics this week and update you all on the the latest happenings...not that much happens, but ya know!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Cute pics----love the pig tails---now just getting her to keep them in!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nobody can resist ice cream!!! What cute pigtails on little Miss Ashley.
Give them all some hugs and kisses. XXO G&G