Monday, August 25, 2008

The rest of the weekend...

So Saturday night was the big reunion, so the kids got to hang with G & G Lansink for the night...I hear they had a ton of fun, got dirty, took baths and stayed up past bedtime...ya know the usual Grandpa & Grandma kind of stuff!!!!

Then on Sunday, we got up and went to church, came back to the house and had some doughnuts to hold us over, because Great Grandpa and Grandma Spotts wanted to go out for lunch with us since we were in town...we opted for Aunt B's in Arthur, for a lunch was yummy chicken, ribs, roast beef.... we even got to see Deb, Laura and Marzia at the we got to visit with them for a bit too!!!we had a nice visit with my grandparents but it was getting time for some NAPS, so we headed back to the house and napped, then woke up, rode in the tractor (of course) and then decided to head back to Sioux City...

It was a nice relaxing weekend, and we had lots of fun!!! Thanks Mom & Dad for watching the kids (again)....probably won't need your babysitting skills for a while, so rest up for the next time!!! haha:)

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