Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ashley Jo's Party

What a great day we had for Ashley's 1st birthday party!!! the weather was really nice and we had a great turn out:) it was busy busy around here all day...we got the basement floor finished....Thanks to Chris and his dad George for all of their hard work getting that put together...Also Kelly & Wes ( Chris' sister and her husband) & Jane (Chris' mom) helped me a ton around the house with the last minute preparations for the party and of course with the kids!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to you all for all of your hard work...

The party had a great turn out!!! We have some many wonderful family and friends who love us & our children sooo much, we are very grateful!!!!!!!!! We love you all too!!!

The food was awesome, burgers, hotdogs and TONS of salads....everything was SOOOO YUMMY!!!!

We definitly think that our Ashley Jo had a very Happy Birthday and that she loved having all of the attention on her:) Even if she couldn't sit still for her presents, because she is just far too busy for that:) she has loved and played with everything...she was even carrying her new outfits around today!!! goofy girl:)

Any are some pics of the birthday girl enjoying her party...She had tons of fun and we thank you all for coming and loving on our girl:) I have tons of other pics but I will post those tomorrow in a slide show for everyone to see, but I needed to get you some pics of the big girl celebrating:)

Enjoy and check back tomorrow for more!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a big girl eating her cake! What a great party!Hugs and Kisses for Ashley Jo. G&G