Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our Week

Hello--Sorry, I didn't get birthday pictures from Ashley's party posted this week...I can't even believe it is Saturday already, that is how fast the week flew by!!! Ashley had her 1 year check up on Monday...she is a healthy little 19 lbs and 6 ounces and 31 inches long!!!!!! but she also got some shots on Monday and combined with the cold that she seemed to be coming down with she didn't have a good couple of days...but good news is, I think all of that has passed, she is acting more like her old self and hasn't been coughing so that is a good thing:)

The boys have been busy this week with potty training:) Elliott is doing AWESOME!!! he hasn't had an accident all week long:) cross my fingers that it will continue...Ayden has also had a successful week....he has gotten much better about telling me when he has to go instead of just peeing in his pants and not caring!!! still a couple of accidents this week when he has been too busy playing to remember that he needs to go to the bathroom, but besides that he is doing AWESOME too:)

Here are a few pics from this week...hmmmm!!! didn't get any of Elliott on my camera this week...wonder what he was up to??? hard to tell with that one!!! But here are the other two yahoos in action...also I will try to get that slide show of Ashley's party up tomorrow!!!

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