Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Go Broncos

The boys have caught Bronco's fever already...haha!!!

Go Broncos!!!!!!!!!

Monkey # 3

It is official...we have our 3rd monkey at the Schrunk House!!! Ashley is now climbing up the furniture and turning the light switch on and off...hmmmm...wonder who taught her how to do that???

here is the proof!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

The rest of the weekend...

So Saturday night was the big reunion, so the kids got to hang with G & G Lansink for the night...I hear they had a ton of fun, got dirty, took baths and stayed up past bedtime...ya know the usual Grandpa & Grandma kind of stuff!!!!

Then on Sunday, we got up and went to church, came back to the house and had some doughnuts to hold us over, because Great Grandpa and Grandma Spotts wanted to go out for lunch with us since we were in town...we opted for Aunt B's in Arthur, for a lunch was yummy chicken, ribs, roast beef.... we even got to see Deb, Laura and Marzia at the we got to visit with them for a bit too!!!we had a nice visit with my grandparents but it was getting time for some NAPS, so we headed back to the house and napped, then woke up, rode in the tractor (of course) and then decided to head back to Sioux City...

It was a nice relaxing weekend, and we had lots of fun!!! Thanks Mom & Dad for watching the kids (again)....probably won't need your babysitting skills for a while, so rest up for the next time!!! haha:)

BCIG Class of 1998-10 year reunion

Wow, it has been 10 years, huh??? Flew by...I think for everyone!!! We gathered on Saturday night at the country club in IG...there were about 30 of us that were there and then spouses, so it was a nice crowd...we had a social hour and supper, watched our class video and was a nice time to be able to catch up with people I hadn't seen in quite a is the pic of the group that gathered that night:)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fun day with our cousins

Yesterday, Grandpa and Grandma Lansink brought Ellie & Malia up to Sioux City for the 2nd annual back to school fun day!!! That is only for Ellie of course, who will be in 1st grade this week, oh my!!! But the rest of us took advantage of the fun day and got to hang out at Chuck E Cheese with our cousins!! What a fun time everyone had:) Then after that we came back to our house for some swimming in our pool and some ice cream sandwiches!!! I think everyone was exhausted and had a ton of fun!!! We love being able to play with our cousins whenever we can:) We might have to get together next weekend (wink,wink)....We are going to be in town for... DA DA DA.....My 10 YEAR CLASS REUNION!!!!!!!!! I know, doesn't seem like 10 years, but it has...that is Saturday night so Chris and I will be attending that and then maybe we can get together on Sunday with Ellie and Malia again to swim or something if the weather doesn't want to cooperate!!! Hope it works out because we had lots of fun yesterday!!!!!!! Hope they did too!!:)

Here are the pics to prove the fun time had by all!!!

Ashley's Birthday party

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our Week

Hello--Sorry, I didn't get birthday pictures from Ashley's party posted this week...I can't even believe it is Saturday already, that is how fast the week flew by!!! Ashley had her 1 year check up on Monday...she is a healthy little 19 lbs and 6 ounces and 31 inches long!!!!!! but she also got some shots on Monday and combined with the cold that she seemed to be coming down with she didn't have a good couple of days...but good news is, I think all of that has passed, she is acting more like her old self and hasn't been coughing so that is a good thing:)

The boys have been busy this week with potty training:) Elliott is doing AWESOME!!! he hasn't had an accident all week long:) cross my fingers that it will continue...Ayden has also had a successful week....he has gotten much better about telling me when he has to go instead of just peeing in his pants and not caring!!! still a couple of accidents this week when he has been too busy playing to remember that he needs to go to the bathroom, but besides that he is doing AWESOME too:)

Here are a few pics from this week...hmmmm!!! didn't get any of Elliott on my camera this week...wonder what he was up to??? hard to tell with that one!!! But here are the other two yahoos in action...also I will try to get that slide show of Ashley's party up tomorrow!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The floor

Our basement flooring is done:) YEAH!!!!!!!!! it looks awesome:) The tile pic is what was under the carpet...then the new floor, then the new rug that we got for the family room area and then the kids goofing around on the couch:) We love our new improved family area:) Hope you do too!!!

Ashley Jo's Party

What a great day we had for Ashley's 1st birthday party!!! the weather was really nice and we had a great turn out:) it was busy busy around here all day...we got the basement floor finished....Thanks to Chris and his dad George for all of their hard work getting that put together...Also Kelly & Wes ( Chris' sister and her husband) & Jane (Chris' mom) helped me a ton around the house with the last minute preparations for the party and of course with the kids!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to you all for all of your hard work...

The party had a great turn out!!! We have some many wonderful family and friends who love us & our children sooo much, we are very grateful!!!!!!!!! We love you all too!!!

The food was awesome, burgers, hotdogs and TONS of salads....everything was SOOOO YUMMY!!!!

We definitly think that our Ashley Jo had a very Happy Birthday and that she loved having all of the attention on her:) Even if she couldn't sit still for her presents, because she is just far too busy for that:) she has loved and played with everything...she was even carrying her new outfits around today!!! goofy girl:)

Any are some pics of the birthday girl enjoying her party...She had tons of fun and we thank you all for coming and loving on our girl:) I have tons of other pics but I will post those tomorrow in a slide show for everyone to see, but I needed to get you some pics of the big girl celebrating:)

Enjoy and check back tomorrow for more!!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The rest of the big 1st B-day....

We had cupcakes for snacktime...everyone LOVED them, but Ayden "I don't like it mommy" he said...whatever!!!! anyway...they sang Happy birthday too her and she ate it up!!! yummy:) then we played outside for the afternoon, ate supper and then took a birthday wagon ride:) very fun...then it was bathtime, now another cupcake is being eaten by everybody...EVEN Ayden...hmmm:) pretty soon it will be bed time, and the end of the 1st birthday, but more fun is to come on Saturday...we are having her party then, so stay tuned after this weekend for some more birthday fun pictures:)

Happy 1st Birthday Ashley Jo!!!

Today is Ashley's 1st the time flew she is today and her with the "gang"....I will post more later of them all eating their birthday cupcakes!!! yummy!!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008


It sure is quiet around here....hmmmmm!!! No, the kids aren't sick....they are spending the weekend with Grandpa & Grandma Lansink:) Chris and I took them last night to meet G & G so that I can GET SOME STUFF DONE!!! I never realized how much stuff I put off day to day until I looked at the house the other day and thought oh my gosh!!! where did it all come from.....stuff just accumlates, I swear....anyway, so today, I accomplished a ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! more to do tomorrow though, but it has been quiet...and I kept it that way too...I didn't turn the TV on all day, not even the radio....just nice and quiet...all but the washer and dryer and a few Liberty barks and it was a peaceful day...BUT I miss them a hopefully they are having a good time, oh who am I kidding, it is G & G, of course they are having a good time....

Here are some shots...the first one, I discovered the "stash" of toys in the bedroom....I was wondering where things were disappearing too, now I know...and some finished product on the kids room...I didn't take before pics because you WOULDN'T want to see that, TRUST ME!!!! but the after is awesome...I also got our bedroom in tip top shape and the basement, well as much as I can considering it is still under construction!!! now tomorrow, it is kitchen and living room time and then I will be able to bring my kids home...and they will destroy it....hmmmmm, the cycle never ends....guess it is just another excuse for the kids to go to G & G's to spend some time there!!!