Monday, July 28, 2008


Hello:) We are back...for all of you who don't know, we took an extended weekend and went to Chicago to visit my brother & sister in law...we had an awesome adventure...Of course, what adventure doesn't start off a little rocky though...hmmm...well ours did...We were getting things ready on Wednesday evening to head out early on Thursday morning, when low and behold, Ashley falls down when trying to walk up to our sunken living room area...she hit her chin and moved both of her bottom teeth, there was LOTS of blood and it was really scary, so we took her to the ER...THREE hours later, there is nothing you can do about it...they say since it is her baby teeth there are no roots or anything and they are still pretty solid in there, the worst that could happen is that they will die and turn colors and either fall out or need to be pulled...Pretty horrible way to start out, especially the 3 hour wait...turns out no one ever paged the doctor!!!!!!!!!!! very anyway, we didn't let that stop us from having a fun adventure...She is doing just fine now, it doesn't look very pretty, but she doesn't seem to be bothered by them and eats just find so, hopefully we got lucky!!! we still got going early on Thursday morning and had a very nice drive...

When we arrived, Andrew was home from work already, so we decided to get in a little swimming before Lisa was home from work, we swam and swam, and then got ready for going out for Famous stuffed pizza...WOW was this AWESOME!!! well worth it, it was sooooo yummy:) We got to have our first train ride there and the boys LOVED it and then on the way back we rode the bus, again LOVED it:) By the time we were done eating it was time to head back for Andrew & Lisa's to crash, what a long day:)

Day 2...Friday

We woke up and got ready on Friday to go and see the Lincoln Park Zoo & Millenium Park...The zoo was great, the weather was awesome and the kids and adults loved it...we saw sealions, monkeys, lions & tigers & bears (oh my)...we made a great morning of it...then we went to Millenium Park where they have these statues of faces that let out water for the kids to play in...We grabbed a chicago hot dot in between stops and then let the kids hang out in the water for a few mintues...they got SOAKED!!! but it was really fun...then we headed back for a NAP:) Andrew & Lisa took Chris & I out on the town on Friday night...Lisa's mom Linda is living in Chicago for the summer so she came over and watched the kids while we went to have a good time...we went to Finn McCool's for wings and beer, and then headed over to Howl at the Moon, a very cool piano bar where they sing & play the piano all night...very very fun!!! the kids had a very good time with Linda too, it was a great night for everyone:)

Day 3....Saturday

Chicago Cubs day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! On this day, we had tickets to see the Cubs vs the Florida Marlins:) GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Linda offered to watch Ashley again while we were at the game, which was great! she had one on one time with Linda for the morning and then Lisa and Linda in the afternoon and Andrew, Chris & I had the boys at the game...we had a really great time...too bad the Cubs couldn't pull out the win...they even went into extra innings...the final was 3-2 in 12 innings!!! The boys were tuckered and slept from like inning 4 to 8 or so...we got souveniors from the gift hats for daddy and boys and shirts for us all...what a fun fun day at Wrigley Field... That night, we were sooooo tired from the whole day, that we just stayed in and made burgers for supper and popped popcorn...the kids fell asleep and the adults played Playstation for a while until we were tuckered out too!!!

Day 4....Sunday

We started out the day with some play time at a school playground that is close to Andrew & Lisa's...the kids had a great time playing...Then we walked to the Market:) very cool area, where they have everything for cheap!!! I got a purse, more hats and some grapes, plus cool Cars blankets for the boys and a princess blanket for Ashley...we had a fun adventure there...then right by the market is a little diner that was featured on The Food Network's Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives...we stopped in for was really yummy...then it was back for naps!!! when we were all awake we decided to head out to Navy Pier...what a very cool place to see...the boys LOVED it, all the boats and water and everything, it was very very fun...on our way home we were going to stop at an Italian place for supper, but they were closed already, so we just headed back to Andrew & Lisa's for homemade spaghetti!!! what a great idea...the kids devoured it!!!!!!!!! and then they had ice cream sandwiches too!!! what a fun fun treat:) then baths and bed...we packed up our stuff and started loading up and then went to bed ourselves...our vacation was coming to an end:( very sad....but all good things must come to an end!!! I have really good pics of this day, but I am getting pretty tired and need to head off to bed here, so I will get more on here hopefully tomorrow...check back for an update with navy pier pictures:)

Day 5...Monday

Today we woke up in the morning, got dressed and finished loading the car, and gave Andrew & Lisa kisses, they had to be off to work, and we had to head on home...:( we were sad to leave, we had sooooo much fun...we cannot wait for our next visit!!! Our ride home was pretty uneventful...naps & being restless (but only like the last hour or so!!!) So, it was a great trip...Tomorrow, back to reality!!! Sorry there are soooo many pics, but it isn't everyday that you get to take vacation...hope you enjoy them all!!! Now it is just time to gear up for Ms. Ashley's 1st birthday and her party:)


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