Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

Wow, where has the time gone...I can't believe it has already been the 4th of July...this summer is just FLYING by!!! Anyway...we didn't do too much this 4th, just goofed around the city, ate at the Olive Garden for lunch, took naps and then did some steaks on the grill for was pretty yummy:)
On Saturday, they kids and I took part in a neighborhood was lots of fun, and we had such nice weather...we got dressed in our red white and blue and went up and down the street with all the other neighborhood kids:) lots of fun had by all!!!
Today, we did a whole bunch of nothing!!!! haha:) Actually our cousins were in the area this weekend so they stopped to play this morning for a little while and then we ate lunch, took naps, went grocery shopping, and then we stuck in out in the basement for a while because there were tornadoes spotted in the area!!!! Luckily nothing hit our house, just a lot of heavy rain...

So here are our weekend pics...some from the Olive Garden, one from the parade and one from us weathering the storm!!!!

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like everyone had a great time!
Hope to see you this weekend!