Saturday, July 19, 2008

Stormy Night

Tonight, there was a pretty big thunderstorm that passed through the had high winds and really heavy rain...during the storm we had quite a few branches come down on our front yard...a small one is hanging from our power line...They are on their way to come fix it (THAT WAS A COUPLE HOURS AGO, BUT YEAH THEY ARE ON THEIR WAY!!!) At least we haven't lost our power, as you can see it hasn't taken the line down just is dangling there waiting to electracute somebody:) Also there is a major limb down that was in the street, but Chris moved it out of the way, so now we just will have to cut her up and burn her in our fire pit!!! But aside from all that, we are all well, the kids are sleeping and I am on my way too...

As a side bar...Congrats to my cousin Chris and his new wife Melanie...they got married today in Des Moines:) I hope they had a great day and will enjoy married life!!!

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

That is scary when branches fall done---glad no one was hurt and you still have electricity.