Sunday, July 13, 2008

busy busy

HI:) We had visitors for the weekend...Grandpa & Grandma Schrunk came to spend some time with the kids this weekend, as well as to help with the basement again!!! We had a great time hanging out on Saturday, just relaxing and playing...Chris and his dad got some more stuff done on the ceiling so the basement is moving along!!! YEAH:)

We were sad to miss Ms. Ellie's birthday party on Saturday night, the boys & Ash would have loved to play with their cousins and to helped her looks like she had a great time from the looks of their blog...anyway, we just want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELLIE!!! We love ya lots:) check out her good time by going to their blog... here is their web address....

Then on Sunday, Grandma & Grandpa Schrunk went home...and Grandpa & Grandma Lansink came up to play for the afternoon....Can't get enough of Grandpa's & Grandma's around this house!!!! We had a fun afternoon playing in the new pool:) The kids LOVE was tons of fun:) Thanks to both sets of Grandparents for coming and playing, our kids sure our lucky to have you to come and visit!!! LOVE YA:)

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