Thursday, June 19, 2008

Just playin'

Last night we went and got hair cuts for the boys and Chris...we are getting ready for a big weekend, my grandpa and grandma Spotts are celebrating their 50th anniversary so we are having family pics and a big party for we need to look our best:) Tonight we just were hanging out and the boys were being daredevils on the swing set...I swear they have no fear of anything!!!! Other than that we haven't been up to a whole lot, but with this busy weekend coming up, I will be sure to have plenty to blog about!!! Here are pics of the boys swinging and Ashley Jo thinks she needs a purse already, and a pic of her walking outside...what a big girl:)


Jodi Lansink said...

We are getting our hair cuts tomorrow too!!!! :)(Except Little Malia---it just won't grow!!! HEHE)

Cute pics----see you all this weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Abs — Hope guys are having a good summer! The boys are getting so big! And Ashley, I love that's she's already carrying around a purse! That's so cute. Take care!! Kate :)

Grandma Jane said...

Love the pics of the kids. Ashley is such a big girl walking around already and carrying a purse, too. Wow, I'll bet she is going to love to shop!! Look out Daddy!!

The boys appear busy as ever, but having tons of fun, too!

Miss all of you and hope you have a wonderful weekend of celebrations.

Love you all,
Mom and Grandma