Sunday, June 1, 2008

Hapy June:)

Hello:) Sorry to have not updated in a while...We have been super busy around here...last weekend we went for a BBQ at Grandma & Grandpa Lansink's and got to play with our cousins Ellie & Malia:) it was super fun!!! and then on Memorial day we just hung out at home...the rest of the week just really flew by with watching kids and getting the basement ready...George and Jane (G&G Schrunk) came on Thursday to help Chris get the new ceiling & lights in our basement!!! it looks really really good!!! just have to do some finishing touches to the ceiling and it will be as good as new:) G & G Schrunk also managed to get in some play time with the kids, which was much appreciated by them:)

Also...BIG news for Ashley Jo...she has been venturing out on her own to take some steps...she started on Thursday and took 3 steps and everyday since then has been a few at a time...still a little wobbly but I am sure it won't be much longer and she will take off on her way across the room!!! oh my!!!

So here are the latest pics from the last week or so...there are some from the BBQ and from just goofing around in our backyard, and also some of the new ceiling in the basement!!! Enjoy:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute pics Abby!!! Your basement looks good. Can't wait to see it in person. Looks like the kids love being outside! Hugs and kisses for them all! XXO G&G