Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This past weekend, my grandparents, Robert & Kathy Spotts, celebrated 50 years of celebrate, my mom & her sisters put together a big weekend full of fun and family!!! We started on Saturday with family pictures...getting everybody to stand still was a bit of a challenge, but I think we got some good shots, so hopefully some will turn out!!! then we hung out and my mom and dad's until the evening and then Chris and I got to drop the kids off with my brother Adam & his wife Jodi and their kids Ellie & Malia for a fun evening playing on the swing set...Chris and I went to a couples shower for my cousin Chris & his soon to be wife was fun for us to get a way for a while, and I know the kids had sooooo much fun playing with their cousins:)

On Sunday we went to Grandpa and Grandma's church for a special service, and then had a fellowship hour honoring them afterwards...then we played at Adam & Jodi's again until it was time for the BIG celebration....we had soooo much good food and watched a great slide show of all the pictures from the past...My brother Aaron did such a good job with putting it all together for everyone entertainment:) after all was said and done we decided to go back to mom and dad's to hang out some more with my brother Andrew and his wife Lisa, since they live in Chicago and we don't get to see them that much....the boys love playing with them!!!! always a good time...we are looking forward to coming to see you soon~~~~you better start saving up your energy now!!!:)

All-in-all it was a great weekend and we got to hang out with family and just enjoy each other companies...

A big thank you to my mom Teresa, and her sisters Tammy, Julie, Janna & Stacey who put on the fun weekend...we had a great time!!! Thanks a bunch:)

So here, enjoy the pics...there are quite a few, I couldn't pick just a few to post!!!

Also, a Happy Belated Birthday to Grandpa George, Chris' dad, who celebrated his big day on Saturday....!!!! Hope you had a great day!!!!

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