Saturday, December 22, 2007

Night in the hospital

Well, we just got home from a very long 24 hours...oh wait, who am I kidding, this has been going on for a week or so!!! Elliott was diagnosed with croup last Monday, and yesterday afternoon it kept getting continually bad that we took him to urgent care, who couldn't get his breathing to regulate, so we took him the the ER...where they gave him a steroid shot...which appeared to work for like 20 minutes and then he went down hill we spent the night in the hosptial!!! The good news is that he seems to be doing better, and he is in a much better mood, so that is a positive...I just hope that he will be able to rest the rest of today and tomorrow to prepare for Christmas:)
I will keep you all updated on the progress!!!

Love you all and Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

Jodi Lansink said...

Poor little guy :(

Give him big hugs from us and we hope is is doing better soon---and also still hope to see you on Christmas!

Adam, Jodi, Ellie and Malia