Saturday, December 8, 2007

attempted photo...

So, I don't think that Christmas cards are going to be going out this year from the Schrunk family...Mainly because I have two little boys who can't hold still, even if their life depended on it, and a baby whom neither boy wants to hold because she is getting too are my attempts at pictures the other day...too funny!!! and yes, that photo is of Elliott's foot!!! he decided to take a pic, while I was adjusting Ashley...hmmmm...the excitement never ends!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

It is hard to get them to cooperate! We had a hard time too--but what do you do?!?!

You could still take their pics seperatly and I know at Shutterfly(I'm sure WalMart too), you can do more than 1 picture on the you could just have 3different pics of the kids on the one card!? Just a suggestion! We love a Chrstmas card...even if they aren't perfect!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We think they are adorable even without the perfect picture!! Love the foot. Good job Elliott.