Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Christmas Tree

Well, we did it!!!! we put up "the tree":) it looks really pretty, and the boys like it a lot, just like we thought they would...probably too much if you catch my drift...I have only had to say no, no about 100 more times than normal!!! this is going to be a great month, hopefully the newness will wear away soon and they will leave the pretties alone!!! but we are definitely enjoying our holiday season so far...hopefully all of you are enjoying it as well!! Happy Holidays:)


Jodi Lansink said...

The tree looks great!!! Just wait until you get presents under it!! Then they will really have a hay day!!!! :)

Don't you just love the Christmas season?!?! I know I do!

Anonymous said...

Your tree looks really pretty. Hopefully you won't have to say no no
too many times!