Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sioux City Musketeers

Last night, even though it was freezing out....we decided to take the kids for their first adventure with a hockey game....Chris & I have always enjoyed going to an occasional game of the Musketeers, so we thought the kids would enjoy it too...and they did!!! they had tons of fun watching the hockey players skating and of course loved the music and lights and the POPCORN:)

Even though they loved it, the newness of the whole thing wore off after the 1st period and we were chasing just Ashley....around....they boys did pretty good...they stood up by Chris and got some beads from the Muskies mascot ( Elliott said Mickey Mouse gave him the beads!!HAHA) so it was just a matter of corralling Ms. Jo Jo....

We ended up leaving after the 2nd period because it was already 8:30 and Ashley was getting it was on to home and off to bed!!!

Did I mention that the boys have been wearing underwear to bed!!! they have been doing it for 1 week now, and there has only been 1 accident in the middle of the night:) YEAH!!!!! NO MORE DIAPERS FOR THOSE 2~~~~~~~:) What big boys, huh????

Now, we just have a relaxing weekend planned, nothing but cleaning and laundry and relaxing!!! I already have my fridge cleaned out this morning....the deep down kind of clean that it needs every once in a check that off the list for today, now on to cleaning floors and all that other fun stuff!!!

Well...Hope you all are doing ok...a P.S. note to our friends Jeremy & Julie-- when will you be in town so we can go to the Muskies together again!!! It has been TOO long!!!! Everyone have a great week!!!


Lisa said...

They're getting so big! We can't wait to see them all again soon!

Anonymous said...

I bet they did have FUN!!! Maybe next time little Jo-Jo could have a friend over.....AKA Babysitter!! How cool that "Mickey" gave them some beads! Give them all hugs and kisses from Grandpa and Grandma!

The Kruse's said...

Abby - We need to come some time soon and meet all your bunch.