Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fun in the snow

We went out to play in the snow yesterday afternoon!! The boys had tons of fun, Ashley still wasn't too sure about the whole thing, but did wander around a little bit....Of course the first thing the boys wanted to do was EAT the snow:) too funny...

I asked them later if they had fun in the snow....Elliott said "It's cold" and Ayden said "It's wet"....well that about sums up the snow situation!!!!!!!! they did have fun and didn't want to come inside, but Ashley fell down in the snow and couldn't get up, so she had seen enough of it, so it was time to venture in...they lasted longer than I thought we were out there for about a half hour... A very fun afternoon:)


Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like fun! Maybe sometime when it snows a lot---we can get all the kids together to go sledding! Thay would love that!!!

Anonymous said...

That does look like fun. Of course they want to eat it......make sure Liberty isn't around the corner HA HA
Hugs and kisses for everyone. G&G