Monday, November 10, 2008

Ayden made the letter "A"....hope you can see it in this pic, it was hard to photograph, but he was so proud of himself:)

Ashley, letting her hair be it is getting so long!!!

Ayden & Elliott have been making "trains" out of their are some pics of them making a really long train...


Anonymous said...

That is a long train......Ashley is getting a little shaggy.

Jodi Lansink said...

Maybe time for a haircut for Ashley huh?!?! It is getting quite long!!! Way to go on the "A" Ayden!!

Grandma Jane said...

Way to go Ayden!!! Good job on the train, too, boys. Can't believe how long Ashley's hair is getting and how big she is getting. Can't wait to see them again.
Hugs and kisses from us. Love you!