Monday, March 10, 2008

Twin Conversation....

Yesterday was a little chilly here in Sioux City, but the sun was shining so that was nice, anyway...I had opened up the front door and just had the glass door shut to let some sunshine in, and the boys decided to eat their snack in front of it after their is the conversation that followed...

Ayden: Hi, Kitty...
Elliott: where kitty???
Ayden: outside
Elliott: where???
Ayden: outside
Elliott: where???
Ayden: outside
Elliott: where???
(get the picture...this went on for a little while!!!)
then frustrated, Ayden finally said...Kitty, outside!!!
then they both just looked at each other and started laughing...!!! not quite sure what was so funny, but none-the-less, they were amused!!! hmmmm....I have a feeling that these conversations are going to becoming more and more is really too cute:)

anyway...just wanted to share the ramblings of 2 two-year olds!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How Grandma