Sunday, March 16, 2008


Here are our kids enjoying bathtime:) they love their new tub!!!

Chris is feeling a little bit better!!! It is just hard for him to stare at the computer at work all day, so he is still having a lot of pressure and pain with the eyes...hopefully that will reduce as the days go on...also he says his vision is OK, but still not where it should be...I guess we will just have to wait it out a few more weeks and see how things improve!!!

We didn't do a whole bunch this weekend, Grandma and Grandpa Lansink came up today to play and help me celebrate my b-day, we did lunch and then some shopping:) The kids loved seeing Grandma and Grandpa again and didn't want them to leave, but they had to go feed the cows...MOOO!!!!!:) Grandma and Grandpa also brought us our treats from their trip to Mexico...the boys got cute little drums and t-shirts and Ashley got maracas and a cute little Mexican dress...I got a fabulous bowl for some chips:) and a beautiful bracelet, and Chris got a very nice Tequila set with some shot glasses ( that ought to take the pain away!!!)

All in all it was a good weekend....Our friends Trent, Sue & Brayden are coming this week from Minneapolis to stay for a few days for a funeral:( But the bright side is that we get to see them and the boys will get to play with Brayden, he is exactly 3 months older than A & E, so that should be a fun time!!! I will post some pics of play time when I get a chance this week!!!


Anonymous said...

We had a great time too! Why is little Ayden crying in the basket? And Ashley is asleep in her supper!! Too cute. Hugs and kisses for all xxo

Grandma Jane said...

Cute pictures!! Glad to see the new tub made a big splash!! Looks like Ashley really is enjoying it, too.

We're praying that Chris is feeling a little better every day.

Jodi Lansink said...

Cute pictures of the little munchkins! I can't believe how big Ashley is getting!!!! They are adorable! Also...thanks so much for the pictures of them! I was in need of some recent ones....the ones I had were when the boys were like 3 months old!!!! THANKS!