Sunday, March 2, 2008

In like a Lamb...

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful here:) March really came in like a lamb this year, so we decided to take advantage around here and went on our first wagon ride of the SPRING!?!?!? It was lots of fun...the boys loved it as much as they did last summer and Ashley enjoyed her first ride!!! it was too cute and lots of fun to get out of the house for a while...I just hope this weather continues and we can keep getting out, now just get all the snow melted and for it not to be muddy and we can play in the back yard!!!:)


Anonymous said...

What a nice day for a wagon ride. I bet they did think that was pretty cool. Hope the weather holds and you can have many more this week. Love G&G

Jodi Lansink said...

They look so cute in the wagon! It was a very nice looking forward to many more to come!